Fall is all about transformation and now is the time for you to bring your A-game! Jewellery has been around for centuries and now more than ever - it helps personalize your style and show off your personality.
This fall - go for bold pieces, statement pieces that go with simpler designs to truly make heads turn.
Embracing the Autumn Colour Palettte:
No matter what they say - black is always the new black! And as fall and winter approach, you end up seeing a whole lot of black around town. So when you're looking for what to wear with black - go for the warmer, gold jewellery. But when it doubt, opt for silver. Or better yet - MIX AND MATCH this fall!
Even with darker hues, gold is always a safe and classy choice!
Layer your Jewellery as you Layer your Clothes:
Layering isn't just for clothes - it is just as important as a style statement. Start by wearing dainty necklaces and rings, and then decide what to do next depending on your personal sense of style. What does layering do? It adds more flair and oomph to your look and allows you to mix and match, giving you endless opportunities to create unique looks that work for you.
What Statement Pieces Do I Need this Fall?
If you're going for an elegant, simpler look - here's our guide of how to style your pieces:
Opt for dainty, stylish Earrings like our Happy Pill Earrings

If you're going for a bolder look - here's our pictorial guide for how to style your pieces: